
Super Bowl Update (Edited)

EDIT: Well, the Steelers won 21-10, but that's okay–as long as the Rams didn't lose...

Some reflections on the Super Bowl (at halftime

  • Best Commercial: The FedEx stone-age commercial (although the 'magic fridge' by Budweiser was also fairly funny...).
  • Who will win: I still say the Seattle Seahawks (I know, they're losing 7-3... but they will dominate the 2nd half).
  • The Halftime Show: I didn't know the point of this year's halftime show was to make it worse than last year's fiasco. Message to media people: The Rolling Stones are dead. They have stopped rolling—a long time ago. If you haven't seen the halftime show, don't watch it (for your own good).

One last observation: It seems that most companies think you need to put a 'token unrealistically attractive woman' in their commercials to make them funny. But, I imagine, the top three commercials (as rated by the public) will be ones without the token unrealistically attractive women.

Reading "Deus Caritas Est" - Encyclical by Benedict XVI

I've started reading Pope Benedict XVI's first encyclical, Deus Cartias Est, and it is a very well-written, and very inspirational work! I am overjoyed that our new pope is continuing and developing some of the main issues approached in Pope John Paul II's papacy, especially love (what this encyclical's all about!).

From the second paragraph:

We have come to believe in God's love: in these words the Christian can express the fundamental decision of his life. Being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction. (Read more...)