Basement Home Office Build

Sorry for the radio silence over the past couple months—I've been quite busy! In addition to finishing up my responsibilities at my old job (I'm going to start my new job at Acquia in just a week!), I've had a bunch of crazy, fun, and interesting things happen lately:

  • My new baby girl was born a little over a week ago—and that makes two... a 20-month old and a 1.5-week old.
  • Said 20-month old boy grew up in the two days we went to the hospital for the birth of our little girl. When did he get so big?!
  • I made a little progress on my book, Ansible for DevOps, and the book is inching towards 1,000 readers pre-publication... which boggles my mind!
  • I built a home office and am getting prepared for another stint of working remote from the home (or wherever else is convenient and conducive to great work!).

Doorway - Basement Home Office Framing
Completed framing for the new office. My spirits were soaring, but drywalling would soon take its toll and teach me that some things are best left to the pros. See full album of images »

The home office build took a little over a month (for the major construction portion—I'll be rearranging for weeks!), and was an awesome experience. I took a ton of pictures and made many, many notes in an album I posted to Imgur, and discussed in a thread on Reddit that blew up with over 2,000 upvotes!

I just wanted to mention the home office on my blog, since from time to time I take the chance to share some of the things I learn about building things, and I always like hearing from others ways I could've changed the process, tools, or final product to make it better. Since I'll likely be doing some more work in the basement in the next 20-40 years, I tried to learn as many lessons as I could from this first 12' x 12' project. Like "never ever ever finish drywall again."

The new baby has made life a little hectic, especially with a toddler, but I've heard going from 1 to 2 kids is the hardest—after that they start getting easier. I hope!