St. Louis-area Catholic Bloggers / Websites

Mostly for my own reference... but I'm sure some other people may find this useful as well! Below are listed all the St. Louis-area Catholic blogs and websites that I know of (major organizational sites excluded, because those are pretty obvious):

Name Author(s)/Contributor(s) Laity/Clergy/Cons.
Life is a Blog Jeff Geerling laity
Rome of the West Mark Scott Abeln laity
Saint Louis Catholic thetimman laity
Snup's View from the Back Pew Snup (n' Jake) laity
Homeschool Goodies Evann Duplantier laity
Ongoing Conversion Bryan and Cara Koen laity
Aedificatio Dei Rev. Michael Grosch priest
Black-Robed Blogger Rev. Kevin Schroeder priest
Aeternus Photoblog Lisa Johnston laity
Two by Two Brian Fallon & Sean Powers seminarians
Exultate justi in Domino Thomas Kirn laity

Am I missing your blog? (Or someone else's?) If so, please let me know by leaving a comment here. I may turn this into a directory of sorts if the list gets unwieldy.



I linked unto your website from Musica Sacra St. Louis and I would ask you to please add my blog to your list.

I am an undergraduate students at Saint Louis University, but I sing in Dr. Buchholz's choir at the Cathedral.


Thomas Kirn