
Ignore noisy logs with fluentd in EKS or other Kubernetes clusters

Recently, I decided to use the fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset project to easily ship all logs from an EKS Kubernetes cluster in Amazon to an Elasticsearch cluster operating elsewhere.

The initial configuration worked great out of the box—just fill in details like the FLUENT_ELASTICSEARCH_HOST and any authentication info, and then deploy the RBAC rules and DaemonSet into your cluster, and you're off to the races (assuming your Elasticsearch instance is configured to allow access from the cluster!).

But once I did that, I noticed the brand new EKS cluster was sending over 16,000 log messages per second to Elasticsearch. Doing a tiny bit of analysis (not much was required, honestly), I found that over 98% of the logs were coming from two EKS-specific noisy containers, efs-csi-node and ebs-snapshot-controller.

10,000 Kubernetes Pods for 10,000 Subscribers

It started with a tweet, how did it end up like this?

I've had a YouTube channel since 2006—back when YouTube was a plucky upstart battling against Google Video (not Google Videos) and Vimeo. I started livestreaming a couple months ago on a whim, and since that time I've gained more subscribers than I had gained between 2006-2020!

So it seems fitting that I find some nerdy way to celebrate. After all, if Coline Furze can celebrate his milestones with ridiculous fireworks displays, I can do ... something?

Expanding K8s PVs in EKS on AWS

If that post title isn't a mouthful...

I'm excited to be moving a few EKS clusters into real-world production use after a few months of preparation. Besides my Raspberry Pi Dramble project (which is pretty low-key), these are the only production-grade Kubernetes clusters I've dealt with—and I've learned a lot. Enough that I'm working on a new book.

Anyways, back to the main topic: As of Kubernetes 1.11, you can auto-expand PVs from most cloud providers, AWS included. And since EKS now runs Kubernetes 1.11.x, you can have your EBS PVs automatically expand by just increasing the PVC claim size in spec.resources.requests.storage to a larger size (e.g. 10Gi to 20Gi).

To make sure this works, though, you need to make sure of a few things:

Make sure you have the proper setting on your StorageClass

You need to make sure the StorageClass you're using has the allowVolumeExpansion setting enabled, e.g.: