
Testing redirections using Behat and the Behat Drupal Extension

One project I'm working on needed a Behat test added to test whether a particular redirection works properly. Basically, I wanted to test for the following:

  1. An anonymous user accesses a file at a URL like
  2. The anonymous user is redirected to the path

Since the site uses Apache, I added the actual redirect to the site's .htaccess file in the docroot, using the following Rewrite configuration:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine on

  # Rewrite requests for /profile_images to public files directory location.
  RewriteRule ^ pictures/(.*)$ /sites/default/files/pictures/$1 [L,NC,R=301]

Testing with curl --head, I could see that the proper headers were set—Location was set to the correct redirected URL, and the response gave a 301. So now I had to add the Behat test.

How to redirect a user after login to a specific page

There are some simple Drupal modules that help with login redirection (especially Login Destination), but I often need more advanced conditions applied to redirects, so I like being able to do the redirect inside a custom module. You can also do something similar with Rules, but if the site you're working on doesn't have Rules enabled, all you need to do is:

  1. Implement hook_user_login().
  2. Override $_GET['destination'].

The following example shows how to redirect a user logging in from the 'example' page to the home page (Drupal uses <front> to signify the home page):