Rockin' Concert Today - Priestie Boyz Premiere (UPDATED)

Today I will be attending and helping run the first-ever Priesty Boys concert at St. Margaret Mary Alacoque parish in South St. Louis County. If you read this entry before 1:00 p.m., please pray that the Priesty Boys and I have a great show (I'll be the sound dude!); if you read this entry after 1:30 p.m., know that we have finished, for better or for worse.

The Priesty Boys is a great three-man-band from Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, and they have been together for a year or two now, but they finally 'got a gig' performing for the gradeschool of one of the band's members during the "Catholic Schools Week." I will have pictures (and, hopefully, a video) of the concert soon -- I promise!

UPDATE: I just returned from the concert, and it was AWESOME! Pictures and audio soon to come; video will have to wait a short amount of time (due to other obligations).