Happy New Year

I would like to wish everyone a happy New Year, and I hope and pray that all may grow in love for the Lord at this beginning of a new calendar year. I will be beginning my studies again soon, kicking off the new year with a priestly formation week at the Seminary. Please pray for the Seminarians during this new semester!

In other news, I would like to offer the Archbishop's column in the St. Louis Review from December 16 for those of you who may have questions concerning the St. Stanislaus Kostka parish. In it, the Archbishop outlines the situation and explains all the details quite well.

As archbishop, it is my responsibility to explain the situation to all of the faithful of the archdiocese, who are so deeply affected by what has happened, in order that they not be subjected to further confusion and division, that they not be deceived about the lawfulness and validity of sacraments celebrated by the schismatic priest and that they pray for the reconciliation of those who gone into schism. (Read more...)

Please pray for the board members and priest who have turned away from communion with the Catholic Church, and also for Archbishop Burke, who has definitely been misrepresented by most media outlets as well as the board members and priest of St. Stanislaus Kostka parish. Unlike what they have said, the Archbishop is not 'in it for the money' or 'not being Christ-like.' Read his column if you disagree.