
Buying and Owning a Gun

Purchasing a Gun

Note: This is coming from the perspective of someone living in Missouri—certain parts of the process of purchasing a firearm are different depending on where you live. Make sure you know what different rules may exist in your locality!

Purchasing a gun is not too difficult, but it takes more effort than, say, purchasing a bottle of soda at a convenience store. Rules and regulations for gun ownership and the purchasing process vary greatly from state to state, from city to city, and even from store to store. In Missouri, there are only a few requirements for gun ownership:

Gun Shops and Ranges in St. Louis, MO (and Metro Area)

A great, decade old thread on The High Road forums prompted this article, which is my own roundup/review of different gun shops and gun ranges in and around the St. Louis area. I'm not an advanced shooter or anything, but I enjoy exercising the right to bear arms, and to take down paper targets with some friends!

I'm going to simply give a list of the ranges and shops I've been to (and some I haven't), and give the vitals and some brief impressions (this post will be updated over time as I visit more places on the list):

Ultimate Defense (St. Peters)

Map - Website - 636-278-2825