CYC Website - It LIVES!

This week the new CYC (Catholic Youth Council) Website will be is live! (As of today, January 11, 2009, the old website is still active). The site is the culmination of almost three months of work, learning boatloads of information about the open-source CMS software, Drupal. I think I've stretched my resources pretty far for this project, as it uses a boatload of the features that Drupal's best suited for, and the site has plenty of room for future expansion and development!

CYC Old Frontpage to New Drupal Website Design Snapshot

Their old website was created in Microsoft FrontPage, and was a pain to navigate and maintain, especially since the site was designed as a bunch of static pages. The new website uses a unified navigation and search interface, and because of Drupal, it's easier and faster for more people to be able to update and edit the website. As with most things on the Web, there are plenty of things that need a little more 'love,' but the site is feature-complete and ready for the prime time.

Until the new site goes live, you can check it out using this link (the link will be disabled once the site goes fully live at I will post much more about the CYC website's development on this blog, and I will also announce something very exciting that I've been working on (under wraps) for a few months now, over the next two weeks. Exciting times!