I'm in New York! — Meanwhile... Earthquakes in St. Louis?

I just arrived in White Plains, New York, after the longest bus ride of my life! It was not uneventful, however; halfway through the trip, we learned that there were earthquakes in southern Illinois, and they were even felt in St. Louis! I didn't know moving all the seminarians out of St. Louis and through Illinois would create such a movement of the Holy Spirit!

About two hours ago all the Seminarians from Kenrick-Glennon Seminary, along with all the pilgrims from the Saint Louis Archdiocese, attended Mass with Archbishop Burke at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in New Jersey. I was able to take just a few pictures of the Mass:

On the way to New York, I took a few pictures of downtown New York while passing over the Hudson River; one turned out okay, with a nice little sailboat on the water:

The smog gives the picture a little atmosphere... however, I think I can finally understand why people living on the east coast seem to be more 'eco-centric' - the air is disgusting here! I'm glad to live in St. Louis, where the air almost seems pure compared to what I'm breathing in around New York.

Now I'm in New York, eagerly preparing for a trip to St. Joseph's seminary tomorrow for the youth rally and audience with Pope Benedict XVI. I will be sure to post pictures as soon as I get the chance (but it might be a day or so... I don't yet have the ability to use my computer and blog in the middle of the highway).