Some Updates and a Prayer Request

A few tidbits:

  • I added another seminarian website to the 'Seminarian Blogs' section on the left - Kenrick-Glennon seminarian Jason Signalness has a very nice website with photos and an informative blog.

  • Please pray for a brother seminarian who recently suffered from a minor stroke and is in recovery trying to regain motor control of his arm and leg.

  • I just received the book The Thrill of the Chaste [] (written by the newly-converted Catholic blogger Dawn Eden), and will post a review after I'm finished reading it.

  • I pray everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving break - remember to thank God for all He has given you!

  • This is how my room looked yesterday - I'm not sure if the computer exploded on my bed, or if I just didn't remember where all the parts went when I put it back together. Either way, the dead laptop now resides in a better place. I had to recover the files from the hard drive, because the power supply was shot (it's my aunt's old computer):

iBook Explosion!