Letter to Senator Jim Talent

This is the body of the letter I sent to Senator Jim Talent, concerning his withdrawal of support for the Senate bill banning human cloning:

Dear Senator Talent,

As one of the youth of 'Generation Y' who has witnessed firsthand many of the problems of America's 'Culture of Death,' I implore you to reconsider your withdrawal of support for the Human Cloning Prohibition Act, SB 658.

It is of utmost importance that we uphold the dignity of all human life, from conception to natural death, and the importance of family, in our war against the pro-death policies that are sometimes made in our nation.

From what I have seen, even 'Altered Nuclear Transfer' cloning creates a human life, then ends it, even if only for a very miniscule amount of time. I do not pretend to know everything about science and cloning, but I think many doctors and scientists are not revealing the full truth about 'ANT' technology, much as they did with 'Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer,' which I believe has been exposed as full-fledged human cloning.

I am 20 years old, and I voted for you in the previous election, hoping you would be an honest, pro-life politician, and so far, you have been. But I will be watching closely to see whether or not my votes have been well spent. Please know that I am praying for your success and for the success of all pro-life politicians. Our nation needs more wonderful and faithful Catholic leaders!

Jeff Geerling