Don't Sign a Life Away!

Do Not Sign

Do NOT sign the “Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cure Initiative” petitions being circulated around St. Louis. This proposal would place in the Missouri Constitution the right to conduct human cloning and kill human life at the earliest stage – the human embryo.

If signed by enough voters this proposal will be on the November 2006 election ballot. If passed, taxpayer money could be used to carry out this unethical research.

There is a better way – ethical research using adult stem cells that does not harm the human embryo Adult stem cells have successfully treated over 65 diseases including Parkinson’s disease, heart and stroke damage, cancer, spinal cord injury and sickle cell anemia in humans. Embryonic stem cells have not treated or cured a single disease even in laboratory animals.

Don’t be fooled into signing this petition!

Here are a few informational links: