SLU President Fr. Biondi and Stem Cell Research

After reading the article "Biondi's presence at meeting on stem cells creates a stir" in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's 'Metro' section today, I didn't know what to think. It would seem that either Fr. Biondi (the Jesuit priest who is president of Saint Louis University, the University at which I take many of my classes) endorses embryonic stem cell research (the killing of an innocent human life to obtain stem cells which has not yet proven to be worthwhile scientifically or medically), or he endorses only adult stem cell research (the use of discarded stem cells in umbilical cords or other stem cells in which no human life is destroyed—this research has already produced medical success stories, and has proven to be very beneficial).

After reading this article, and some letters to the editor, it remains unclear what Biondi's stance is. If he endorses or embraces embryonic research, this is sickening. Judging from a few past incidents, most notably V-Day and some other questionable happenings permitted by Biondi, I am not quite comfortable attending a 'Catholic' instution if these anti-Catholic (i.e. against Church teaching and doctrine) activities and ideas are allowed or endorsed.

I hope that Fr. Biondi will offer his own words on this issue, as I am definitely interested in what he has to say. Will he stand up for the innocent babies who are wrongfully destroyed by embryonic stem cell research and champion the cause of those in favor of adult stem cell research, or will he shirk away from public attention and continue to 'create a stir.'