
Quick 'Hello World' HTTP deployment for testing K3s and Traefik

Recently I needed to test the full HTTP stack between a Kubernetes cluster's member nodes and an external Internet routing setup, and so I wanted to quickly install K3s (which includes Traefik by default, and load balances through ports 80 and 443 on all nodes), then get a quick 'hello world' web page up, so I could see if the traffic was routing properly all the way from the external host through to a running container exposed via Traefik Ingress.

Here's how I set up a basic 'Hello World' web page on my K3s cluster:

First, I created an HTML file to be stored as a ConfigMap. Create a file named index.html with the following contents:

  <title>Hello World!</title>
<body>Hello World!</body>

Create a ConfigMap with the HTML from the file you just created:

$ kubectl create configmap hello-world --from-file index.html

Save the following to Kubernetes resource definitions into a file named hello-world.yml:

Decoding Kubernetes Ingress auth Secrets

Update: In the comments, the following one-liner is suggested by Matt T if you have jq installed (a handy utility if there ever was one!):

kubectl get secret my-secret -o json | jq '.data | map_values(@base64d)'

I figured it would be handy to have a quick reference for this, since I'll probably forget certain secrets many, many times in the future (I'm like that, I guess):

I have a Kubernetes Secret used for Traefik ingress basic HTTP authentication (using annotation, and as an admin with kubectl access, I want to see (or potentially modify) its structure.

Let's say the Secret is in namespace testing, and is named test-credentials. To get the value of the basic auth credentials I do:

kubectl get secret test-credentials -n testing -o yaml

This spits out the Kubernetes object definition, including a field like:

  auth: [redacted base64-encoded string]

So then I copy out that string and decode it:

Stripping the 'Vary: Host' header from an Apache response using Varnish

A colleague of mine found out that many static resource requests which should've been cached upstream by a CDN were not being cached, and the reason was an extra Vary http header being sent with the response—in this case Host.

It was hard to reproduce the issue, but in the end we found out it was related to Apache bug #58231. Basically, since we used some RewriteConds that evaluated the HTTP_HOST value before a RewriteRule, we ran into a bug where Apache would dump a Vary: Host header into the request response. When this was set, it effectively bypassed Varnish's cache, as well as our upstream CDN... and since it applied to all image, css, js, xml, etc. requests, we saw a lot of unexpected volume hitting the backend Apache servers.

To fix the issue, at least until the upstream bug is fixed in Debian, we decided to strip Host from the Vary header inside our Varnish default.vcl. Inside the vcl_backend_response, we added:

Apache, fastcgi, proxy_fcgi, and empty POST bodies with chunked transfer

I've been working on building a reproducible configuration for Drupal Photo Gallery, a project born out of this year's Acquia Build Hackathon.

We originally built the site on an Acquia Cloud CD environment, and this environment uses a pretty traditional LAMP stack. We didn't encounter any difficulty using AWS Lambda to post image data back to the Drupal site via Drupal's RESTful Web Services API.

The POST request is built in Node.js using:

Increase the Guzzle HTTP Client request timeout in Drupal 8

During some migration operations on a Drupal 8 site, I needed to make an HTTP request that took > 30 seconds to return all the data... and when I ran the migration, I'd end up with exceptions like:

Migration failed with source plugin exception: Error message: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 29992 milliseconds with 2031262 out of 2262702 bytes received (see

The solution, it turns out, is pretty simple! Drupal's \Drupal\Core\Http\ClientFactory is the default way that plugins like Migrate's HTTP fetching plugin get a Guzzle client to make HTTP requests (though you could swap things out if you want via services.yml), and in the code for that factory, there's a line after the defaults (where the 'timeout' => 30 is defined) like: