
Testing Ansible Roles with Travis CI on GitHub

This post was originally written in 2014, using a technique that only easily allows testing on Ubuntu 12.04; since then, I've been adapting many of my roles (e.g. geerlingguy.apache) to use a Docker container-based testing approach, and I've written a new blog post that details the new technique: How I test Ansible configuration on 7 different OSes with Docker.

Since I'm now maintaining 37 roles on Ansible Galaxy, there's no way I can spend as much time reviewing every aspect of every role when doing maintenance, or checking out pull requests to improve the roles. Automated testing using a continuous integration tool like Travis CI (which is free for public projects and integrated very well with GitHub) allows me to run tests against my Ansible roles with every commit and be more assured nothing broke since the last commit.

Using Ansible Galaxy

2020 Update: This article is still as relevant as ever, though Galaxy now has tens of thousands of roles and also has 'Collections' now, which can include plugins, modules, and roles! If you want to learn the latest about all this stuff, check out my fully updated Ansible for DevOps, now in it's 2nd edition! It has two chapters covering roles and collections on Ansible Galaxy.

Ansible Galaxy Logo

Ansible Galaxy was launched just a few short months ago, and already has over 500 roles maintained by over 225 users. The idea behind Galaxy is to give greater visibility to one of Ansible's most exciting features: reusable Roles for server configuration or application installation.

Easily manage Apache VirtualHosts with Ansible and Jinja2

Server's entire infrastructure is managed via Ansible, which has helped tremendously as the service has grown from one to many servers.

Ansible Borg Cow
cowsay and Ansible were made for each other.

One pain point with running Apache servers that host more than one website (using name-based virtual hosts) is that the virtual host configuration files quickly get unwieldy, as you have to define the entire <VirtualHost /> for every domain you have on the server, and besides Apache's mod_macro, there's no easy way to define a simple structured array of information and have the vhost definitions built from that.