
Drupal VM Tips & Tricks - brief remote presentation for DrupalDC

Yesterday I presented Drupal VM Tips & Tricks at the DrupalDC meetup, remotely. I didn't have a lot of time to prepare anything for the presentation, but I thought it would be valuable to walk through some of the neat features of Drupal VM people might not know about.

Here's the video from the presentation:

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Some relevant links mentioned during the presentation:

Interview with Cal Evans on Voices of the elePHPant

A few months ago, when I spoke at php[tek] in St. Louis, I had the honor of being interviewed by Cal Evans on the Voices of the elePHPant podcast! In the interview, we discussed Drupal 8, Acquia, the Raspberry Pi Dramble, and the PHP community.

Check out the interview: Interview with Jeff Geerling - Voices of the elePHPant.

There's also a video recording of the podcast, embedded below:

AnsibleFest 2016 Review and Ansible Roles for Fun and Profit video online!

It's been a few weeks since AnsibleFest San Francisco, and Ansible just posted the video recordings of all the sessions from AnsibleFest SF 2016! I was honored to be able to speak about Ansible Roles at this year's west coast AnsibleFest, and I also arrived a little early so I could participate in the Ansible Contributor Conference on July 27.

Ansible Roles - Jeff Geerling presenting at AnsibleFest SF 2016
Picture from my session courtesy of The Appnel Group.

Register and Submit Sessions for DrupalCamp St. Louis - Sep 10-11 2016

DrupalCamp St. Louis 2016 Logo

The time is here! The rest of the DrupalCamp St. Louis 2016 organizers and I were working feverishly this week to get all our ducks in a row, and we now have online registration opened up for DrupalCamp St. Louis 2016! Here are the relevant details:

You'll get a snazzy T-Shirt, a catered lunch, and the fuzzy warm feeling of being part of the great Drupal open source community! Plus I'll be there!

Speaking about Ansible Roles at AnsibleFest SF 2016

I'm excited to announce that I'll be speaking at AnsibleFest San Francisco 2016, on July 28th, giving a session titled Ansible Roles - for Fun and Profit!

Image from AnsibleFest London
Image from AnsibleFest London, earlier in the year.

AnsibleFest is the major bi-annual Ansible conference, full of case studies, sessions and announcements. I'm excited to finally be able to attend, as I've been an avid user of Ansible since 2013, even to the point of writing one of the most popular introductory books on Ansible, Ansible for DevOps.

DrupalCamp St. Louis 2016 - Call for Sessions!

DrupalCamp St. Louis logo - Fleur de Lis

DrupalCamp St. Louis 2016 will be held on September 10-11 in St. Louis, MO, on the campus of the University of Missouri, St. Louis, and we're excited to announce that session submissions are open!

We'd love to hear people speak about Drupal business, case studies, coding, community, DevOps, front end, PHP, project management, security, or any other Drupal topic. If you're interested in speaking, please submit a session for consideration, and we'll announce the selected sessions before August 1st.

Tips for Staying Sane while Working from Home - phptek 2016 session

Jeff Geerling - Standing at desk in home office in his basement

I delivered a session on Tips for successfully working remote/working from home—both for employees and employers—at php[tek] 2016 in St. Louis today. This session was a bit shorter than yesterday's session on a HA Raspberry Pi cluster, but I had a lot of content I've been putting together for many months.

Highly available Drupal on a Raspberry Pi Cluster - phptek 2016 session

Raspberry Pi Dramble Cluster with Mini Raspberry Pi Zero Cluster

Another year, another field trip for the Pi Dramble—my 5-Raspberry-Pi cluster! I presented a session titled Highly available Drupal on a Raspberry Pi Cluster at php[tek] 2016, which just so happens to have moved to my hometown, St. Louis, MO this year!

For this presentation, I remembered to record the audio using a lav mic plugged into my iPhone, as well as iShowU to record what was on my screen. Sadly, I didn't have a secondary camera to capture the Pi Dramble itself, but you can glance at all the other 'Let's build a Pi Cluster' videos if you want to see it in action!

Here's a video recording of the presentation:

Drupal VM - DrupalEasy Podcast and DrupalCon NOLA BoF

As Drupal VM has passed 500 stars on GitHub, and is becoming a fairly mature environment for local development environment—especially for teams of Drupal developers who want to maintain consistency and flexibility when developing many sites, I've been working to get more stable releases, better documentation, and a more focused feature set.

Also, in the past few months, as interest has surged, I've even had the opportunity to talk about all things Drupal VM on the DrupalEasy podcast! Check out DrupalEasy Podcast 172 - The Coup (Jeff Geerling - Drupal VM), which was just posted a few days ago.

And to keep the conversation flowing, I'm going to be moderating a BoF on Drupal VM at DrupalCon New Orleans, Drupal VM and local Drupal development for teams.

What's new in Ansible 2 and Ansible Galaxy 2 (Presentation)

Last night I presented the following slides at the Ansible St. Louis meetup at Riot Games. In the presentation, I mention the motivation behind Ansible and Galaxy 2, and run through most of the major changes and new features:

I've incorporated many of the new features in Ansible 2.0 in my book, Ansible for DevOps, and will be rewriting a few of the examples in the book to take advantage of new features in Ansible 2 soon!