Old Mac of the Month - Macintosh IIci (on 512 Pixels)

This month, my old Mac story about a IIci was featured on on the excellent Apple-related blog 512 Pixels, by Stephen Hackett: Old Mac of the Month: Macintosh IIci.

My old Mac IIci

I briefly mention the IIci in my (not-yet-complete) Computing History article here on Life is a Prayer.com. I really liked the IIci, and it's probably one of my favorite Macs of all time, especially considering I probably owned and used it the longest!

Special thanks to my brother and dad, who not only helped me get into electronics and computing, but also helped me edit the article.


Dear Jeff,

I found your blog by googling "recording audio on iphone 4". You articles about hardware and apps for sound recording on iOS devices are extremely useful! Thank you!

I kept reading on and saw your article about the Mac IIci. Our family also had a MacPlus (Dark Castle was my favorite game - I wish they had an emulator for it now). Before that, we had an Apple IIe. When I got into college and started making electronic music, I bought a Mac IIci. It was a solid machine. I still have it and one of these days I'm going to boot it up and see if I can still run my old software.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for your site, for the time and effort it takes to post stuff. I'm sure you're very busy, yet you find time to share. Thanks again!

And, as it's obvious you are a religious man, I have no hesitation saying God bless you!


Thanks so much, Michael! I love it when other old Mac fans post back on the site. Makes me feel a little more part of a community of sorts :)