
Install kubectl in your Docker image, the easy way

Most of the time, when I install software on my Docker images, I add a rather hairy RUN command which does something like:

  1. Install some dependencies for key management.
  2. Add a GPG key for a new software repository.
  3. Install software from that new software repository.
  4. Clean up apt/yum/dnf caches to save a little space.

This is all well and good; and this is the most recommended way to install kubectl in most situations, but it's not without it's drawbacks:

Get a list of all available images in the DigitalOcean v2 API

I frequently need to check the slug or id of a particular Droplet image (or in AWS parlance, an AMI) that I can use to launch new DigitalOcean droplets via Ansible. And seeing as tonight I had to search for 'how to get a list of all DigitalOcean images' about the hundredth time, I figured I'd publish this in a blog post so I can find it more easily in the future.

Without further ado:

curl -X GET --silent "" -H "Authorization: Bearer $DO_API_TOKEN"

This assumes you have exported a valid $DO_API_TOKEN previously. If not, just paste your DigitalOcean API token in place of $DO_API_TOKEN, and then run the command.

It dumps out a ton of JSON, so you can either paste it through something like, or try reading it in all it's unformatted glory. And if the latter, are you a robot?

Can't upload more than 20 files using Media Image Entities in Drupal 8?

After migrating an older Drupal 6 site with 20,000 media items to Drupal 8, I found a strange problem with image uploads. On the Drupal site, using Image FUpload and Adobe Flash, I could upload up to 99 images in one go. On the new Drupal 8 site, I was only able to upload 20 images, even though I didn't see an error message or any other indication that the rest of the images I had selected through the Media Image upload form were not successfully added.

I could choose 21, 40, or 500 images, but only 20 were ever added to an album at any time.

There were no apparent warnings on the screen, so I just assumed there was some random bug in the Media Image Entity or Media module suite that limited uploads to 20 files at a time.

But due to an unrelated error, I glanced at the PHP logs one day, and noticed the following error message:

Review: Epson DS-40 WiFi portable document scanner

Epson DS-40 Portable WiFi Document Scanner

I've always been fascinated by digital scanners; my Dad worked in an industry that allowed him access to some of the newest tech in terms of computing, so I was able to use a full-color (16-bit!) digital scanner hooked up to an early Mac IIci running Photoshop when most people still used computers with 8-bit displays.

3-pass color scanner SCSI with PowerBook 180c
My very-old 3-pass color scanner connected to a PowerBook 180c. It took over a minute per scan—and much longer at 'photo' resolutions.

Finding an Image's width/height dimensions using JavaScript

For a complex Drupal node form I've been working on for flocknote, I have a relatively complicated image switching functionality that lets people change an imagefield on the node (either when creating a new one or editing an existing node), and once the imagefield is changed, some custom jQuery code will grab that image and display it in the form, for a very WYSWIYG-like experience (the node looks almost exactly the same when editing/adding as it does once the user saves the node).

One problem is that images can be arbitrarily high (though they're resized to 600px wide), and I can't easily get the height of the image through any traditional means. If I were grabbing an already-saved imagefield image, I could throw the image height into the JS settings for the page. However, getting a dynamically-added image's height/width values is surprisingly tricky using JavaScript, at least if you take a look around the web and try using many people's suggestions (which work great if the image was already loaded with the page's content, but not if the image is dynamically added, or if the image hasn't yet loaded on the page.

Creating an Image Effect to put a play button on Video thumbnails

I had a rather interesting feature to implement on flocknote lately (after doing a pretty vast redesign of the UX/UI on the site over the past month... it was refreshing to dig into PHP again!):

We want to allow insertion of YouTube and Vimeo (and potentially other) videos into 'Notes' on the site, and there are a few moving parts in this equation:

  • I had to create a text format filter similar to the 'Embedded media inline' module in Drupal 6 so people could simply put a 'merge tag' in their Note (like [video=URL]) where they want the video to appear.
  • When a user views the embedded video on the site, the video should show at a uniform width/height, and be able to play the video (basically, a merge tag the user enters should be converted to the proper embed code for the provider (in this case, an <iframe> with the proper formatting).
  • When a user sees the video in the note email, the video can't actually play since very few email clients support any kind of video embedded in an email. So, instead, the video shows as a frame with a play button on top (this is the trickiest part), and links to the video on YouTube, Vimeo, etc.

Creating my own Image Effect for a Video Play Button

What I wanted to end up with was an image that had a custom-made iOS-style play button (play icon in a circle with a translucent grey background) right in the middle (I like the simple look of videos on my iPad...):

Video Play Button Example

So, I decided to work with Drupal's Image Effect API and expose a new image effect, aptly named 'Video Play Button', to Drupal's simple set of 'Resize, Scale, etc.' image effects. This is a pretty simple process: