
Prayer for Asking Graces Throug the Intercession of John Paul II

I was given this prayer today at Mass:

O Blessed Trinity, we thank you for having graced the
Church with Pope John Paul II and for allowing
the tenderness of your fatherly care, the glory of the cross
of Christ, and the splendor of the Holy Spirit,
to shine through him.

Trusting fully iin your infinite mercy and in the maternal
intercession of Mary, he has given us a living image of
Jesus the Good Shepherd, and has shown us that holiness
is the necessary measure of ordinary Christian life and is
the way of achieving eternal communion with you.

Grant us, by his intercession, and according to your will,
the graces we implore, hoping that he will soon be
numbered among your saints. Amen.

with ecclesiastical approval
Cardinal Camillo Ruini
Vicar General, Diocese of Rome

First Anniversary of Death of Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II

As one of the millions of 'JP2-Generation Catholics,' I owe a lot to the great Pope John Paul II. I remember vividly the excitement and anticipation I felt when I was able to go to the Papal Mass in the Trans World Dome in St. Louis in 1999. I fondly remember reading many of his encyclicals, especially those having to do with Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary (I, in fact, am re-reading one right now in preparation for a paper I'm writing), and those having to do with the priesthood (i.e. Pastores Dabo Vobis).

St. Louis Archdiocese's First Consecration of a Virgin

Today the seminarians from Kenrick-Glennon Seminary participated in the Archdiocese's first ever Consecration of a Virgin. You can read more about the consecrated life in this column by Archbishop Burke, and there will be an article and pictures from the day's events in a later issue of the St. Louis Review. (I was unable to take any pictures at this Mass because I was serving...).

Please pray for Cathleen Maley as she begins her new life in Christ, 'married to Jesus,' as a Consecrated Virgin, Living in the World (the technical term for her vocation).

Wireless Power Extension Cords!

Wireless Power!!!

Wireless Power  

Just what everyone's always wanted! These babies give new meaning to the phrase, "More power to ya!"

You can now be anywhere inside or outside your house, and not worry about running a dangerous power cord there - you don't need any outlets outside any more—just plug in the base station and set the wireless power receiver anywhere you need an outlet!

I hope they patent this technology and call it 'WiPow' or something to that effect.

(Note: The company selling this product recommends you don't place practically anything between the two power stations, or it will mutate and vaporize itself.)

'God or the Girl'

April fools' joke? I think not [Fox News]..

There is a TV show slated to begin airing on A&E this Easter Sunday that will document the lives of four young men who are discerning whether they are called to the priesthood or to the married life. It would seem that the title is misleading—according to many media sources and interviews with the young men themselves, this show is not so much about 'God' vs. 'Marriage,' but rather a genuine discernment process. One of the show's featured young men says:

Justice for Immigrants

I was forwarded a link to the Justice for Immigrants website today, and it brings up a very important issue—should we, or should we not, offer assistance and citizenship to 'illegal immigrants?' According to Catholic teaching and Christian solidarity, the least we can do is provide them with corporal assistance (food, shelter, etc.). But there are forces at work in our government that might work to make it illegal for even a priest to give food to illegal immigrants under certain conditions, and try to make any 'undocumented' persons leave the country.

Please take a minute and read more about this issue—it has faced our nation many times before, and it is an important issue to familiarize yourself with.