
Drupal VM Tips & Tricks - brief remote presentation for DrupalDC

Yesterday I presented Drupal VM Tips & Tricks at the DrupalDC meetup, remotely. I didn't have a lot of time to prepare anything for the presentation, but I thought it would be valuable to walk through some of the neat features of Drupal VM people might not know about.

Here's the video from the presentation:

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Some relevant links mentioned during the presentation:

Ansible St. Louis Meetup on July 8, 2015, at Riot Games

Ansible is coming to St. Louis—the hometown of Midwestern Mac, LLC, which runs Server!

The first-ever Ansible meetup in St. Louis, MO will be held at Riot Games' offices in downtown Clayton (yes, that Riot—the company that makes League of Legends!).

Server is sponsoring refreshments for the night, and if you're interested in coming, it starts at about 7:00 p.m. There will be Ansible T-shirts and swag, and Jeff Geerling (author of Ansible for DevOps and owner of Midwestern Mac, LLC) will give a crash course in Ansible and kick off discussion on how to get started with Ansible.

See more details on the Ansible St. Louis Meetup page.

St. Louis Drupal Group - Hackathon on Headless Drupal 8 & AngularJS

Now that Drupal 8.0.0-beta1 is out, and the headless Drupal craze is in full-swing, the Drupal St. Louis meetup this month will focus on using Drupal 8 with AngularJS to build a demo pizza ordering app. (The meetup is on Thurs. Oct. 23, starting at 6:30 p.m.; see even more info in this Zero to Drupal post).

We'll be hacking away and seeing how far we can get, and hopefully we'll be able to leave with at least an MVP-quality product! I'll be at the event, mostly helping people get a Drupal 8 development environment up and running. For some, this alone will hopefully be a huge help, and maybe motivation to adopt Drupal 8 more quickly!

If you're in or around the St. Louis area, consider joining us; especially if you would like to learn something about either Drupal 8 or AngularJS!

P.S. To those who have been emailing: the rest of the Apache Solr search series is coming, it's just been postponed while I've started a new job at Acquia, and had a new baby!